Sunday, October 22, 2023

An Unforgettable Encounter with a Mysterious Seer

Today, I want to share a remarkable incident that unfolded right in our society. It's a story worth telling, and it all began when four individuals arrived, accompanied by Nandi bulls. Among these magnificent creatures, one with stout, pointed horns truly stood out. Adorned with bells around its neck and a colorful dangle on its back, this bull exuded regal charm.

The four people who accompanied the bull were dressed impeccably, giving them an air of elegance. Their traditional attire, from the mundase on their heads to the Kolhapuri chappals on their feet, was striking. They sought assistance in the form of money or grain.

Our maid had just finished her chores and left when my wife kindly handed over a bag of rice to these visitors. She instructed them to share it with our maid upon her return. Shortly after, my wife headed to work, leaving them to their business.

As I glanced down from our window, I noticed a small crowd forming around the visitors from our society and neighboring areas. Filled with curiosity, my wife hurried inside.

At that very moment, one of the four visitors, who appeared to be their leader, began sharing eerie prophecies about our aunt. In the next fifteen minutes, I found myself bewildered by the startlingly accurate information he provided about my wife and the other visitors. Their knowledge of our maid's two children, their ages, and even their academic pursuits left us stunned.

Our aunt was taken aback when they revealed that her son lacked interest in studies, while her daughter excelled academically. Meanwhile, on the first-floor terrace, our attention-seeking visitor warned the others that their old building, under construction, would remain uninhabitable for the next five years.

To our surprise, this prophecy held true, as the construction had indeed stalled for the past year and a half. When he turned his attention to another occupant, peering through the window, the man predicted that marriage was not in his near future. This uncanny insight left the man in question somewhat flustered, as he had long surpassed the typical age for marriage.

Amidst the amusement, we couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as our mysterious guest's predictions proved scarily accurate. The crowd attempted to divert his gaze away from us, but eventually, his penetrating eyes fell upon my wife.

Both anxious and intrigued, my wife listened as he proceeded to describe our family with astonishing precision. He knew about our two children – the elder working, the younger still studying. The accuracy of his revelations was astonishing.

However, what truly shook us to our core was when he revealed our professions and the tragic passing of my wife's brother in a fatal accident at the age of 50. It left my wife utterly speechless.

This extraordinary experience left us pondering the limits of human foresight. We can't be certain whether these predictions about the future will come to pass, but when someone accurately recounts the past, it's truly remarkable.

Although others may make predictions about the future, my wife was not one to dabble in such matters. She had no time or interest for such things, and so she left the scene. The subject changed, but the lingering questions remained.

How could this man have known such intimate details about our lives? Did he possess some divine vision? This encounter with the supernatural was akin to Nadi Pariksha, a practice whose advertisements now adorn many places. These pages hold the key to your past, present, and future. I have experienced it before with a friend, and I promise to share that story with you in the near future. Stay tuned.

Original MARATHI article: Mr Ashish Kulkarni

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