It is "an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants", "a struggle between rivals", "a demanding situation", and the "the contestant you hope to defeat". Yeah! Guys, I am talking about the word contest or you may call it as challenge. Whatever the subject it is, the word contest shows its power to the society as well as the world. If you remember live contest (reality shows) like American Idol. What it delivers to the society? Anybody here to guess it? Is it an ENERGY? Yeah! That is it. Energy ... in short, an Ambitious Drive ... the reason to live.
Guys, here I come up with the energy and ambitious drive especially for you. The name of this ambitious drive is IDUG contest. It is an unique contest specially for those who are in the field of developing new applications by using XML or XQuery and DB2 languages. Whoever you may be, the students, professionals and hobbyists. This contest is especially made and brings up to you by "IDUG" known as the "XML Superstar Challenge".
1. Video Contest
2. Gadget Contest
3. XQuery Challenge
4. Port an Application
5. Develop an Application.
Before moving towards this contest I would like to have your attention on some basic and important things. For Sr. No. 1 and 2 i.e., Video Contest and Gadget Contest respectively the community or you can say it authority who is able to estimate worth or quality will declares your charm.
Once you through out this contest, the Sr. No. 3 i.e. XQuery Contest is the next level for you. I am sure that all you guys who loves developing through the XQuery 100% get success in this contest after giving the right answers based on the structure of answers and queries. Here is the great chance for you to win the larger prizes.
Guys for the Sr. No. 4 and 5 i.e., Port of Application and Develop an Application contest you have to show your XML, XQuery or DB2 charm because you have get examined by panel of judges and declared as a XML SUPERSTAR. And off course, amazing prizes warmly waiting to get hug from you.
So dear contestant if you would like to judge yourself become a real XML Superstar then there is no such challenge like IDUG Contest. Hurry up and be ready to accept the fantastic challenge from IDUG. Guys, please let me allow to quit from now. I am also a one of the contestant like you. Best Luck to all you!